Painted by Nebile Kodaz, the article writer. Inspired by “The Scream” painting.


Nebile Kodaz
17 min readSep 8, 2024

Mobbing may include many types of violence at the same time. Most of mobbing victims might not be aware that they are objected to violence. The awareness about mobbing can be improved by victims who tell their mobbing stories. Those sample cases of mobbing which are told develop the understanding of mobbing.

People should know that they are not only victims of sexual harassment or physical violence but also they are victims of violence when they have experienced mobbing that includes many types of violence such as financial violence, or social violence. Those types of violence are below;

  • Psychological Violence
  • Financial Violence
  • Social Violence
  • Bullying
  • Physical Violence
  • Verbal Violence
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Threatening
  • Online/Offline Surveillance

Let’s explain all those items with some examples…


This type of violence makes you feel worthless, alone, anxious, and pressured.

You will be in an unsolvable problem even though you are trying hard to solve it helplessly, and incapably. You will not be able to escape from the feeling of being judged. You may lose the sense of trusting others, and start to be an introverted person. Your social relations would be weakened. The mobbers and gaslighters dig out your past, childhood, and previous traumas. They will phishing you in a subliminal language. By doing this, they manipulate you to stay in a heavy depressed mood and push you professionally to commit suicide. The mobber mafia will make a clean murder without a murderer and evidence. You would be kept in a sense of guilt constantly. You will be alerted always, and looking over your shoulder.

The mobbers treat you as a mentally ill person to torture you psychologically. That technique is defined as “Gaslighting” in the medical literature. Especially, when the victim of the mobbing may point to the mobber people’s love affairs, mistakes, and immoral values as the reason for the mobbing, the mobber person will start a well-organized campaign of gaslighting. The victim’s defenses at the courts in his or her legal battle for mobbing will be biased and unreliable after this gaslighting campaign.

Psychological violence in mobbing causes depression and physical diseases that stem from stress and depression during mobbing. For example, diabetes, allergies, eczema, other skin problems, gastritis, gastrointestinal diseases, weakened immunity, infections, fungal and viral infections may occur, and even cancer probability may increase. Mobbing victim’s mental health may be damaged irreversibly. This may end the victims’ professional life. This is the reason mobbing crime is defined as a torture crime in the developed law systems. Therefore you do not have to use a gun or knife for a crime, people may mobb to harm at the same level as those serious crimes.

An example of the psychological violence in mobbing, is that the mobber director may call you for a straightforward task after your work is done at work and going back home. This call might be meant for you as personnel while other workers do not get the same calls. The task that is the reason for call from work, might be as simple as pressing a printer power button. The goal of the calling is to humiliate the victim. In this call, the mobber director may also mention his tolerance for the timing of the victim’s summer vacation. These repeated mentions will make the victim feel guilty. In this type of mobbing, the victim may wake up by grinding his or her teeth due to anxiety and stress.

Nebile Kodaz, Grand Canyon, 2009,The mobbers get jealous of your vacations.

The other example of the psychological violence in mobbing is that your skills are not highly rated and seen as simple and usual skills. Such as victim’s creativity in project and victim’s participation of the projects are underrated by mobbers. Those tasks about good projects are assigned to others by canceling your assignment. The mobbers will create their project stars. They will hinder your participation of the seminars and training about new projects. This case would cause the decrease in victim’s satisfaction at work. While this happens to the mobbing victim, the mobbers will have countless opportunities, and pull strings for unfair assignments. The mobbers will introduce themselves as very productive and very skillful. The work mafia will be in a constant effort to prove their skills. By doing so, they will try to satisfy their inferiority complexes and the sense of unworthiness. This endless conflicts and toxic race, and the effort of self proven will create a pressure on the victim.For example, only the victim has a tango dance hobby, hence they will try to prove their tango skills by organizing a prom ceremony with a tango show.

In the additional cases for mobbing and psychological harm at work, the mobber may make a dividen schedule during the work day to put the victim in a rush twice to come back and forward between work-home. The victim will be tired and burnout physically and mentally. This case might be mention for also physical violence in mobbing. In this rush, the victim may plan to buy a motorbike for better mobility. After that, the mobbers will transfer a new colleague who can ride a motorbike. The mobbers’ effort to prove their superiority over you is limitless.

In another sample case in the private sector, the mobber bosses may hire a person who has the same skill sets as you, is from same hometown and also was graduated from the same reputable university with you. The only difference would be your title and the person’s upper title. By doing this, they try to convey a message that you are not unique, and we are able to find the same person with you. It is also a way of not appreciating your skill sets and success. To isolate you at the office, the mobbers change your lunch group constantly so as not to connect you with other employees. Mobbers will push other team members to have a conflict with you while you are working in a team all together. This situation may be called as sinister soul to create new and non-existed conflicts in teams. They will count the extra minutes while the victim makes a presentation at work during the presentation. The reports that the victim has done, may work very well and produce good results. It will bother your mobbers. After all this mobbing pressure, the victim will feel alone, and worthless. the victim will be tired of the endless conflict. The productivity and motivation of the victim will go down. In the mornings, the latency at work will be often. The victim’s family doctor will diagnose the psychological discomfort. The victim would not like to go to work. The victim who can not feel productive will be burned out more.

The written process for annual leave and business emails will be abused by mobber to mobb the victim. The mobber will put pressure on the victim to feel guilty. The usual way of doing this simple operational business stuff will be changed during mobbing and the mobber will blame the victim for wrong doing. Then the victim will start to believe that he or she is mistaken.

Some employees do not come to work without a reason. Some employees do not perform with full capacity and they do not care about their responsibilities at work. For example, they may smoke and chat with other colleagues in the park that is near the workplace, instead of conducting the task schedule. The other sample case might be sleeping during the work day but still his or her sales grow up due to the mobber manager’s support. Another example might be that the employees may do the task longer than usual.

The mobber will feel very important, so he or she will behave like a policeman or detective at the office or governmental office. They will assume themselves as the responsible person for the peace at work. The mobber may target you on the mass emails. The tone that the victim uses would be a problem even it is a fitting tone for the business case. They may target you at business meetings among other colleagues. All these suppressive traits will make you feel discriminated, helpless, and alone.


The mobber bosses may punish the employee with low-paying and deprive the employees of financial benefits.

For example, the director teachers at school are paid more than other teachers. When the mobbing victim takes an exam to be a director, the mobber will use his or her social network to change the victim’s correct answers on the exam papers. Also, they may assign a special exam teacher for trapping on the victim’s exam paper. With this trap, the mobbers will obstruct the victim’s promotion to get a higher salary with flexible work hours.

The same trap may occur for the mobbing victim in the private sector. In spite of that the mobbing victim has a profile that fits the manager position, the mobber boss may hinder the promotion for this management position. The victim may have a very good skills set. He or she might be graduated from a reputable university. However, the mobber boss will pay you less than you deserve. The victim do not afford his or her obligatory needs such as clothes, home gadgets, and heating home. It is the biggest evidence for being a victim of the financial violence in mobbing crime. Vacations are a luxury for the victims due to low-salaries. Therefore without resting in a vacation, the victim will work all year besides pressure and over-stress at work.

Moreover, the victim will be blamed for not being thankful to the boss for giving the employee a job. They present the minimum wage or low-paid job, as a great opportunity with a high salary that everyone is not able to get. However, the minimum salary pays for only food and bills as it is supposed to be. Also, the mobber bosses do not aware of their moral defects at work and low-level business ethics. However, still they will keep sermonizing and advertising their job opportunity and their company culture.

The mobber bosses do this to humiliate the employees. Besides some mobber managers may count money in front of the victim to show-off. He or she is a nouveau rich and rude. The other sample case might be that the mobber director will email to the mass to help a needy person who works in the same position as victim’s previous position. The mobber will mask this bullying as a volunteering activity for charity stuff, or a help for a sick needy family. The email would be like this “A family among our relations, the wife works as a teacher and the husband works as a policeman. They have a sick kid and they can not afford the medicine. They will be happy with your small support financially…” This email does not aim helping others but to humiliate the mobbing victim for his or her previous position as a low-paid job.

The other example can be explained by the mobber group having an inferiority-superiority complex against you. Especially, in the financial cases, they will race with you to be superior. They will show- off their investments at the office. They will copy the victim’s investment strategy. They will rumor about their investments by exaggerating. When the victim buys a new house, a person in bully group will buy a new house too. By doing this they will equalize themselves in the financial race with the victims.


This type of violence is the most seen type of violence in mobbing. The word of mobb means mafiatic behavior and herd behavior.

Mobbers manipulate other employees to isolate and exclude the victim at the office or governmental work places. This mafia behavior mostly occurs among the employees who work for a long time for the company or organization. The enviable success and character of the victim trigger the mobbing gangsters at work places.

The mobber abuse his power and responsibility for his or her benefits. This pragmatic friendships provide a control over employees. Willingly or unwillingly the other employees obey the mobbers due to their task requests, schedules, attendance of good projects, and business trips. To gain affirmation from the mobber and cooperation with the mobber the other employees start to target the victim, to treat the victim badly, to exclude the victim.

The quotation from the book “The Country of White Lilies” by Grigory Petrov is that “… It was a talent of course; they know well whom to be bribed, what to be bribed, and when to bribe…” This sentence is perfectly fitted for mobbers.

The example for the fit of the sentence by G. Petrov is that the mobber rotates the lunch shift often to isolate and not let the victim be friends with others at the lunch. The mobber will get jealous of the mobbing victim’s friendly manner and nice chats with the other colleagues. The mobber watches closely the people working on the same project as a team. The mobber will email to all office people to praise and appreciate the other team members on the project with the victim. The mobber will do this to gain the pragmatic friendship of those team members, so he or she can manipulate people against the mobbing victim.

The isolation and loneliness will keep on the courts and legal battles too. The other colleagues who are witnesses of the mobbing, won’t be eager to testify on the labor courts. The consequences of such testimonials will be the mobber’s targeting and hindering job opportunities for those people. This is the reason why workers do not want to testify at the courts. The mobber will make friendships with other colleagues very quickly, and very closely. This person compliments others, appreciates them even in no needed cases, and gives promotions and extra benefits to them to be friends and to cooperate against the mobbed person.

At the office, there is a mill that turns with rumors and fake news about the bullied person. This will be like a gossip game. This mafiatic bully at work will contaminate and toxicate other workplaces too after the person mobbed quits and changes the job. These gangsters will assassinate the careers of the isolated and bullied skillful person. The case of being unloved and being discriminated against by fifty to a hundred people at the office is unusual. A person finds at least a few people close to be friends in a group. The herd behavior often causes to linch, cancel, and target only a single person by a hundred people. This is a well-known case nowadays.

Mobbing victim’s birthday will not be celebrated, as usual as others’ birthdays at the office. This would make the victim feel worthless. On the other hand, the person who has a deep inferiority complex against the skillful bullied person, and who is dissatisfied with his or her job will get results and benefits without working and sweating. The bullying person is a toxic and foxy person who comes to the office just for making fun and jokes. The sleepy workers will get promotions and will be the rock star of the office who blows the candles on the celebration cakes at the office. Also she or he will give a short talk before blowing the candles and getting applouses. :) The chief commander of mobbing will assign the super star role to this non-deserved person to humiliate the bullied employee. With the jacket on her shoulders, the super star aunty-in-law of the office will have power after the boss and announce his or her hegemonic power over others in the herd.

As another example, the mobber will organize a fake complaint campaign about the bullied person. Without a reason, even without an insult case, other workers will fill fake complaints to accuse the victimized colleague. These office mafias will read the victims’ private emails without consent, and obtain his or her private pictures with his or her fiancee. They will use all to make fun of the victim and to invade his or her privacy. They will gossip about those pictures and messages. They will have a gossip party and joke about the victim’s privacy.


The mobbing mafia isolates you and targets you. They will call you names. If you do not have breaks during work, do not smoke, do not drink “rakı” alcoholic beverage, and do not gossip about others, they will call you names as “OXFORDian-hardworking cow student”, “deaf sultan”, “silly dull brain can not understand”.

Constantly you will be the subject of the ambiguous jokes. Your life style, your privacy, even your sexual life will be the subject of gossips, jokes, and waves to humiliate. You will feel like you are in the front line against all other workers. Such a coincidence, that all the other workers have the same idea on some topics, but you are the opposite of them. Also, they will try to teach you a convenient tone in the business emails.

For example in the violence behavior at work, the mobber boss will bend the plastic bottle after drinking water by looking at you or by making sure that you are close to him to see or notice his vandal behavior. He uses this ambiguous vandalistic behavioral language to bully the mobbed worker. When you share the disturbance caused by the vandal behavior of the mobber boss, he will say “I was appreciating the recycling and zero waste project. It was not about you”. With a foxy toxic smile, he will enjoy ambiguity. The manner of answering is as roundy as a belly dancer.


Mobbing crime will be more serious when it turns to physical violence. The office mafia may tend to beat up you. The loudy verbal fights may end in police stations. They will insult and humiliate the victim in front of all workers and students at the school. Those adolescence students easily manipulated will tend to assault you physically. To scare the victim, they fight with others in front of the victim to imply a message. They will threaten the victim and his or her work peace.

Those hypnotized students hit the desks in the classroom and hit the door to the face of the mobbed teacher. This violence and vandalistic behavior occurs with the mobber’s motivations. The mobber mafia may motive a doctor mafia on you to write fake reports about you. They may contract with some criminals in their social and political networks to harass and assault you. Moreover, they will destroy the evidence, and camera records, therefore the mobbed person is not able to prove that the motivators of those crimes are the mobbers.

The public prosecutors slap the mobbing victim’s face, and the policemen torture and violate the mobbing victim. The mobber mafia will track the victim outside or online to harass and taunt him or her. They even organize unknown people to tease the victim on the street, in a governmental office, or anywhere the victim goes. Then they play the card of gaslighting the victim over mobbing.

The toxic work place has unhealthy and insecure conditions for the workers. It can be defined as systemic physical torture by mobber boss for all employees especially for the one who is mobbed. The office is without fresh air, noisy, crowded, small space to work, high temperature like an oven, will be a kind of systemic torture for all employees. In spite of the huge air conditioner is not for office use but for a factory, the mobber boss won’t replace the factory-type air conditioner with a convenient one. The mobber boss excludes the victims from a better, silent office room in which the software developers work. This is a clear mobbing case at work.

After all this psychological violence, major depression will cause another physical diseases. This can be assumed as a modification of physical violence that stems from psychological violence. However, the mobber will watch this sadistic mobbing process happily.

Image source:


The victim will be exposed to insults and name callings. The mobber group will humiliate the victim constantly, and shout out at the victim. “Silly brain does not understand”, “slut”, “bimbo”, “second hand” or “whore” are some examples for insults and verbal humiliation. The mobbers will call the mobbed victim names as “nerd OXFORDian”, and “deaf sultan”.

Even if, the victim warns the boss of the toxic culture and treatments that he or she is being exposed to, the mobber boss will say that “They could have said everything and did everything to you, but you could do nothing to them.” Besides of ignorance, the mobber boss will organize some fake complaining traps for the bullied employee. Then, those office mafias will claim that the victim insults them oppositely. In an additional example of mobbing case, the public prosecutor and policemen will accuse the victim for a slap on their faces after they slap the victim. Shamelessly, they will sue the victim for the slap.


The mobber criminals, unfortunately, harass the victims sexually. They may sexually abuse the victims. They will invade the privacy of the victim. They will track the victim online and spy on victims’ emails and phone talks.


The mobber gangsters will threaten the victim’s family to kill. These criminals may track his or her family on the internet and spy on their phones. The mobbing torturers organize to beat and offend the victims’ family members by manipulating people around them. Those gangsters have a wide social and political networks. These criminals slander the honor of the family members of the victim.

For example, to scare the victim, the mobber gangsters may show a knife that is used for cut some stuff at work. They will use this theatrical demonstrations many times in different work places. The mobber criminals use pincer torture fantasia by giving a subliminal message for teeth.

Image source:


The mobber gangsters may hack the victim’s social media accounts. To accuse the mobbed person, the gangsters will change the nick name that is used by the victim for his or her social media account. Then they spy on the victim’s Facebook or other social media shares to accuse and sue the victim for criticizing the president, economy, bombs, unfair elections, coal miners’ death. They files all screen shots of the shares to the upper-level management who is ideologically on the opposite side.

Not only social media accounts, they will hack also email accounts too. They steal the digital picture archive by entering the house of the victim with a stolen door key. They upload the pictures to their communication portal and Telegram, Discord, WhatsApp group or upload them to a website. They will use an ambiguous language and subliminal language to torture the victim psychologically by using those picture details. They spy on the victims’ personal data and privacy. They want the victim to have an anxiety about sharing her or his privacy. This is a kind torturing method; making the victim feel anxiety and then the torture will dispose of his her health mentally or physically due to stress and anxiety.

The other sample case for surveillance of the mobbed employee is that those office mafias re-organize the sitting plan of the office for bird-dogging the bullied victim. It will happen without informing the victim of the new sitting plan. The office mafia has no reliable reason to do that. That is why they don’t inform of the victim. Their security cameras at the office can record the victim during days at work. Also, they peek the victim while she or he is working. Later in the legal battle fought by the victim, the judge satires and humiliates the victim by writing “they are looking at my profile” on the verdict of the labor court. This has been done by the governmental power professionally and shamelessly.


Although, the mobbing criminals try to wash their sins and crimes by professionally gaslighting the victim, MOBBING crime is a state of a mentally ill individual. It is a state of behavioral and characteristic disorder, herd behavior, and moral decaying.

Mobbing is a social mass insanity.

Mobbing is a kind of pack rape to the victims’ soul, and life. In the pack rape, the witnesses are attracted by the pleasure of the rape. Then they attend in rape with a herd behavior that sweeps all herd up. They get their shares from pleasure of the pack rape.

Of course, the mobbers recognize the same pack rape can be done to them. But they will suppress this idea inside of their mind. They won’t be against the mob, and stay silent. The members of the mob won’t be witnesses to the rape for the benefit of the bullied and psychologically raped victim.

At first sight, the victim seems to be only a single individual. Falsely, the real victim is all mobbing groups and society in the long term. Due to mobbing, society will experience a non-productive work culture and moral decay. At least one day, society and mobbers will pay the cost of mobbing.

In this article, the author, me, prefer a cover picture that I painted. It depicts the unhappy people who are mobbers. I advice you to read my other article about these unhappy mobbers on this link; MOBBİNGİ KİMLER YAPAR, KURBANLARINI KİMLERDEN SEÇERLER? (This article will be translated soon, for now, it is in Turkish.)

Hopefully, my readers will support their colleagues while they are mobbed at work. I wish that the readers were on the side of the victims, not on the side of the mobbers.

Everyone may have a non-mobbed and productive work day and life!



Nebile Kodaz

Data Scientist & BI Analyst & Tableau Developer & Mobbing Victim